Friday, February 23, 2007

Short Days in the Room

Sewaktu orang lagi tidur aku masih tersadar. Dan ketika orang pada sibuk aku masih tertidur. I don't know when I will get busy. Actually I'm busy but can't still do anything. I just can't stand with this thing. I don't like to complain but sometimes I complain. Damn, selama ini aku sering di kamar nonton film, dengerin lagu, sambil minum teh atau kopi dan baca-baca majalah lama. Serta kadang-kadang ngetik sesuatu dan ngedit tugas. Aku merasa lagi liburan aja, dan berpikir orang lain kok lagi sibuk ya? Dan delapan tahun kuliah ini separuh waktunya seakan-akan hanya nyantai. Sorry if I disappointing someone. But I do my best, may be at worst. But at least I try.

Sometimes I need someone to hold. It because I am still alone in the dark. Not too dark I mean, it's just language style. And sometimes I don't want to get disturbed or left alone to concentrate myself. And when I get busy, or nearly get busy, it's always someone come or call needing something. I need more time to concentrate than people average. I'm different from other, and can't be always the same.

Tonight, I want to have dinner and then drink some water, playing music, and typing something like this. And then when I get sleepy I go to bed. Then tomorrow I will wash my all dirty clothes. They all have pile in my room, he he..

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